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Jason Demchok


"Feeding the trillions of friendly bacteria the fiber and polyphenols they love, is the first act of compassion we can make."

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To show people that the Healthiest food in the world is actually the most Delicious, most Affordable and Easiest to prep.

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Combines 35 years of traditional cooking training in 16 countries with extensive study of nutrition and cellular biology under renowned experts like Dr. Shanhong Lu and Geoff Palmer.

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Nutritional Research, Fermentation, Herbalism, Spice-Blending, Quality Ingredient Sourcing


Culinary Wisdom Skills

Culinary Wisdom Skills
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The Benefits of Arugula

The Benefits of Arugula

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The Benefits of Beans

The Benefits of Beans

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Jason's Story

Jason’s story is the weaving together of four interconnected threads - Culinary Arts, Studying Cultures across the World, Health Optimization and Holistic Psychology. In search of authentic recipes and esoteric wisdom, Jason spent 5 years living in Japan, India, China, Egypt, Peru and Thailand. He studied traditional cooking methods like fermentation with Grandmothers; and Mind Training, Contemplation, Philosophy and Metaphysics with Monks, Scholars, Priests, and Shamans.

Growing up in a family of three generations of holistic medicine pioneers, he studied ancient Eastern medicine like Ayurveda and Tibetan Medicine for one decade, and Environmental and Lifestyle Medicine with world-renowned Medical Doctors like Dr. Shanhong Lu and Nutritional Scholars like Geoff Palmer for another decade.

His interests range from subtle states of meditative absorption, to stimulating the body's innate stem cells. He is a lifelong seeker of Truth, Beauty and Love. He loves dancing, cooking, long meditative baths and barefoot walks.  He enjoys challenging his held beliefs and being wrong about things so he can keep learning and evolving. In addition to helping people feel, function and look their best, his passion is to help people get the most meaning and ease in their life by mastering the power of their most valuable resources - their Attention and their Intention.

He is currently developing the Optimize Health Collective to bring the world’s experts on Physical, Sensory, Social and Mental Layers of Health to the people who truly want to Optimize their Health and their Life.

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